Freebie Page

Welcome to our FREEBIE Page

We welcome you to download any of our Free files.  Note that these are for personal use only and not provided for redistribution or sale.  All rights reserved by DNJDesigns LLC.

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This carousel has the most recent 40 – 50 Freebie files.  Check the archive links below for older files. 

Check back regularly as new items are added almost every day.

This interactive activity is in H5P format, self-checking, and covers basic circle terminology. This activity includes tangent, secant, chord, radius, and much more.

Your content pack includes an H5P file (can be uploaded into any LMS that is H5P compatible), a full HTML file (can be loaded into any website, even if it is not H5P compatible), and a zipped SCORM package (can be uploaded and unzipped into any SCORM compatible LMS). This gives you the flexibility to use the quiz on almost any platform available.

Download here.

View sample H5P content here.